Dental Reconstruction

Dental ReconstructionIf you have a worn down bite, significantly decayed or damaged teeth or need comprehensive dental reconstruction, Dr. Maleki can dramatically restore the definition and appearance of your smile.

Comprehensive Care

Complete dental reconstruction utilizes a wide range of proven techniques to address severe and complex dental problems. As a professional and highly skilled prosthodontist, Dr. Maleki can:

  • Repair teeth damaged by tooth decay
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Restore severely faded or discolored teeth
  • Reshape worn down teeth
  • Extract teeth that are beyond repair and replace them with implants

Dramatic Results

With the combination of dental implants, modern dentures and custom crowns, Dr. Maleki can deliver unmatched results in both the appearance and function of your smile.

This means that, regardless of the current condition of your smile, we can eliminate discomfort, improve speaking ability, correct the performance of your bite and restore the aesthetics with new teeth. All our treatments come together to improve the health and confidence of your smile.

Dr. Maleki thoughtfully provides detailed explanations of each recommended treatment. He will carefully answer all of your questions in order to help meet your individual needs, and he will even communicate with your family dentist to ensure the best possible care following your treatment.